
3 reasons to keep up what you started during lockdown

Posted on April 29, 2021, in: Blog

As written by Laura Szuca

Laura also known as WannabeintheRibbons is a horse owner and blogger from Bedfordshire. Owner of Mikey a 15-year-old Irish Sports Horse who she has owned for 6 years.  Mikey and Laura enjoy doing a bit of everything however with Mikey having picked up an injury a couple of years back they have since only managed to get to 2 competitions although once lockdown is lifted they hope to get to a few shows!  Laura lives in a market town in Bedfordshire and like many of us during lockdown picked up some new-found past times.

Like many of you I expect lockdown 1, 2 and 3 (!) has given me back one thing I often said before all of this I didn’t have enough of – and that is time.  Of course, too much time on your hands isn’t a good thing but with the UK being forced in to a national lockdown last March due to covid19, I found myself like many others working from home (meaning no long commute), with no cinema and restaurants to visit or pubs to enjoy with friends.  The result?  More time.

I’m a firm believer of trying to fit in as much as you can in to life, but with nowhere to go I had to find different things to fill my days, and fill the time I have tried to do

I filled it with walking, I started cycling again, I even started running as lockdown 3 hit, something I never thought I would be keen to do!  I have enjoyed reading, in fact I can honestly say prior to lockdown in the last few years the only books I have read have been whilst I have been on holiday.  I have even giving some baking a go!

So, will I keep it up?  Like many of us with the restrictions looking like they will slowly lift I find myself wondering IF I can keep up some of these new past times.  I plan to and here is why, I also think these reasons will ring true for many of you.

  1.       Health and Fitness – If you have been finding new ways of exercising, then undoubtedly you have improved your fitness levels – don’t let the hard work go to waste!  Fitness is often something people drop as they ‘don’t have time’ but by planning it in to your week you CAN keep it up, take a walk on your lunch break at work, take the stairs not the lift, get up an hour early to get a workout in just don’t let ‘time’ be your excuse to give it all up again. 
  2.    Do your bit for the planet – We have all seen the reports on the news that showed the positive effects less cars on the road has had on the air pollution, not to mention the £££ we have all saved in fuel.  We can all continue to play our part in this, if you replaced a car drive to the shops with a walk, keep it up!  If you walked the kids to school instead of driving them then why not vouch to keep that up, even if only a couple of days a week.  You will continue to do your bit on the sustainable living front plus save more £££ in fuel – that has got to be a win-win surely? 
  3. The final reason?  Because you have actually enjoyed it – If you picked up a new hobby, got back in touch with an old friend or tried something new and enjoyed it why would you want to stop?   Yes, you might have to plan your time better but you can make it happen.

I love the quote “Many things aren’t equal in life, but everyone gets the same 24 hours, 7 days a week, we make time for what we truly want?   So, the only question is, what do you TRULY want to make time for when this is all over?



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